Friday, March 18, 2011

An Interesting Morning

Every year in March, I help with the GR Summit at work. It is exhausting and I usually need to take at least a day off work when the meeting is over to catch up on my life. This year was different - I've been working out at the gym and haven't been as tired, and I've just been handling things better overall. I didn't miss a single workout due to the meetings. Everything was business as usual.

I kept my plan of taking a day off work, two in this case. Figured I might as well take a four day weekend. Yesterday was my first day off work and it was rather uneventful, but very relaxing. Today I woke up and walked into my bathroom and it was completely flooded from the apartment upstairs.

While the workers were waiting for the ceiling to dry out, I went to work on one of my projects that I've been meaning to complete for over a year - reupholstering my vanity bench.

This was the prior fabric on the bench.

Then I cut out the fabric and learned how to use a staple gun. The staple gun was definitely the fun part. Reminded me of Iona in Pretty in Pink, when Iona aims her staple gun at a shoplifter. Shoplifter kid: "You missed my eye by and inch!" Iona: "Half an inch. This isn't the public library, Light Fingers."

Here is the bench all finished and put back in place. Loving the fabric.

Oh...and the second best part of the morning had to be reading my horoscope: If there's a problem in the garden -- Slugs? Snails? Bulbs aren't blooming? Weeds are all-consuming? -- you're going to put on your gardening gloves and solve it. If there's a problem in the bathroom -- Toilet broken? Water boiler smoking? -- you're going to put on your bathroom-problem-fixing gloves and fix it. What's the ultimate household necessity? Trouble-solving you!

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Or reupholster furniture.

1 comment:

Mattwo said...

Nice!!!! Sorry about the bathroom, but it sounds like everything else is going great!! And nice work on the vanity bench -- I think we might have to have you come over and show us some of your upholstery skills.